Fender Bender Injuries and Chiropractic El Paso, Texas | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Accidents and Injuries | Scoop.it

Fender benders/automobile accidents are the number one cause of spinal cord injuries. Auto accidents have accounted for more than a third of all reported cases of spine injuries. On average, individuals drive 30-40 miles every day. We love our cars, and we love to drive. Nothing throws us out of our normal world faster than a fender bender.


Auto accidents also account for other injuries like:


  • Whiplash
  • Spinal fractures
  • Herniated discs


A crash causes bodily injury, stress, and, in some cases, ongoing legal matters. However, these injuries don't present symptoms until weeks or even months after the accident. With the vast number of automobiles on the road, as well as drivers being distracted, increases an individual's chances of being involved in an accident. If a fender bender happens to you, it is important to recognize and understand what has happened to keep you safe and your injuries to a minimum.

Understand the Situation

The way you react seconds after a crash can impact the situation tremendously. Determine where you are injured, and if you are in any immediate danger. If for example there is a fire get out fast. Otherwise, stay inside.

Analyze Injuries

How bad are the injuries? Even if you feel fine, your head, neck, and back could still have been impacted. Identify where you hurt, and the intensity of the pain.

Wait for the Ambulance/Police

Try to stay as calm as possible inside your car/truck and wait for the police and ambulance. If your vehicle has flipped and you are stuck from the seatbelt, stay put and wait for someone that knows what to do and can see what is happening. A good portion of head and neck injuries happen when the occupant/s release their seat belts after a crash, not realizing that it can exacerbate an injury or create new ones.

Inform EMT's

Once paramedics arrive, explain if you can, the areas of pain and injury. If you've previously suffered from injury or medical condition to the neck, back, or spine, let them know, as there is increased risk to individuals who already deal with medical conditions or bodily injuries.


This information helps formulate how they will take the individual out of the vehicle and what type of emergency treatment to utilize. Be specific when telling the paramedics, use simple language and the 1-10 pain scale to describe the level of pain and discomfort.


If the injuries are minimal and you are released, be thankful. Still make an appointment with a chiropractor/physical therapist that specializes in fender bender treatment/therapy. Since some of these injuries can take a few days to show up, the fender bender could have impacted:


  • Bones
  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Nerves


This could have gone undiscovered at the initial post-crash examination. Therefore, ask for a complete examination, and talk with the chiropractor no matter how strange or insignificant the question may be. The chiropractor will understand what you are trying to explain. Your chiropractor may use a combination of spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and other techniques as part of a customized treatment program. 

Minimize the chances

While we cannot control when a fender bender takes place we can take measures to guard against the occurrence, and give ourselves a higher chance of avoiding injury.


  • Always wear a seatbelt
  • Get out of the habit of distracted driving
  • Maintain your vehicle's brakes and tires
  • Pay attention to traffic signs
  • Plan ahead if you know of construction closures so you can avoid those highly congested areas


Drive the speed limit depending on the traffic and weather conditions. Be courteous and think about all the drivers and people all around you. Maintaining a clear head and following this little bit of advice, you can minimize the chance of being in an auto accident or being seriously injured. We all have to be somewhere, if we cooperate we can get there on time, safely, and efficiently.



Fender Bender Injury Chiropractic Care