Know thyself to understand others | Counselling Update |

"...During the three months, various methods were used to teach two groups of 80 and 81 participants, aged between 20 and 55 years, how to develop their perspective-taking skills . The training was inspired by the Internal Family Systems model which views the self as being composed of different complex inner parts or subpersonalities, each with their own defining set of behaviours, thoughts and emotions. Participants were taught to identify and classify their own inner parts. They explored how being identified with different inner parts such as their caring, managing or pleasure parts affects their everyday experiences.

The results revealed that in the course of the training, the participants effectively learned to identify prototypical inner parts such as “the inner manager” or “the inner child” in their own personalities. The degree to which participants improved their understanding of themselves – as reflected in the number of different inner parts they could identify – went hand in hand with how much participants improved in terms of their own flexibility and being able to accurately infer and understand the mental state of others. “The more negative inner parts they could identify, the better their awareness of other people’s frame of mind became thanks to the training.

“There is a close link between getting better in understanding oneself and improvement in social intelligence,” says Singer ,“In particular understanding others’ cognitive perspectives.”.."

[click on the title for the full article]