Inadequate Sleep | EP Wellness & Functional Medicine Clinic | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Detox Yourself! |

Individuals talk about how they don’t sleep much because they have so much to do and can operate/function on only 5 or 6 hours of sleep and are surprised when they develop serious health problems and mental health issues. However, inadequate sleep is a big deal. Depriving the body and mind of proper sleep leads to all kinds of health problems that include:


  • Daytime fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly
  • Memory issues
  • Delayed reaction time and response
  • Weakened immune system
  • Decreased libido


Over time the adverse effects become worse, increasing the risk for severe medical conditions that include:



Chiropractors focus on whole-body health, are specialists in the musculoskeletal system, and take a multifaceted approach to treat fatigue and inadequate sleep. They can help with sleep problems and other health factors by bringing the body back into alignment/balance, improving circulation, nerve energy flow, and nervous system function. This includes chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic massage.

Spinal Adjustments

  • Misalignment of the cervical spine could be contributing to issues breathing and getting into a deep sleep.
  • Spinal realignment can help with better sleep.

Posture Analysis and Sleep Positions

  • Posture is a significant part of optimal health, especially when breathing correctly.
  • A chiropractor can analyze and correct any posture misalignments.
  • They can also advise how best to sleep, so the airway does not become obstructed during the night.

Health Factors

  • A recommendation for fatigue and inadequate sleep is to lose weight if overweight or obese.
  • A trained nutritionist or health coach can help develop healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

Less Stress and Plenty of Sleep

The combination of spinal adjustments and therapeutic massage can generate significant benefits to help keep the body healthy. Chiropractic adjustments have been found to release stress-reducing hormones like oxytocin and neurotensin. And therapeutic massage has been shown to improve inadequate sleep patterns, as well as:


  • Relax the body
  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce muscle tension that causes restlessness
  • Relieve pain and discomfort
  • Release positive hormones
  • Increase mobility

Body Composition

Lack of Sleep Makes It Harder To Lose fat

  • Irregular sleep throws off the ghrelin and leptin cycles, making the body hungrier.
  • Sleeping less has been linked to eating more, increasing energy intake.
  • Sleeping less can cause reductions in Basal Metabolic Rate by as much as 20%, reducing total energy output.
  • Being tired also reduces spontaneous movements, reducing total energy output.


General Disclaimer *

The information herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional, licensed physician, and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional. Our information scope is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our videos, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate to and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We provide copies of supporting research studies available to regulatory boards and the public upon request.

We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.




Licensed in: Texas & New Mexico*


Jamison, Jennifer R. “Insomnia: does chiropractic help?.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 28,3 (2005): 179-86. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2005.02.013


Jehan, Shazia et al. “Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity: Implications for Public Health.” Sleep medicine and disorders: international journal vol. 1,4 (2017): 00019.


Kashani, Fahimeh, and Parisa Kashani. “The effect of massage therapy on the quality of sleep in breast cancer patients.” Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research vol. 19,2 (2014): 113-8.


Kingston, Jana et al. “A review of the literature on chiropractic and insomnia.” Journal of chiropractic medicine vol. 9,3 (2010): 121-6. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2010.03.003