Control those tabs ! Five web browser tab tips. – | Distance Learning, mLearning, Digital Education, Technology |
This was me. Does it sound like you ?

Too many tabs open in my browser …I think 64 was my record. In just one window. I am also a great “that is too messy, so I will open a nice, clean window” (but not close the other open ones) kind of woman.
But….I can’t close the open tabs because some must be useful, this is DAYS worth of tab-opening right here.
Can’t find what I want, so…I’ll just open that tab again, rather than locate the right tab.
My laptop is slowing down because displaying the fiddly bits on the open pages is hogging memory.
I know I will use these nine web pages each workday, and am sick of opening them each morning.
Oh damn!! I didn’t mean to close that tab, and now I can’t remember how exactly I got to it

Via Elizabeth E Charles