Online courses ‘more time-consuming’ to prepare for, study says | Distance Learning, mLearning, Digital Education, Technology |

"Tasmanian researchers find it takes 10 hours to plan an hour’s lecture for online students, compared to eight hours for on-campus delivery"

Summary from Academica Group - Friday 22 Sept 2017

"Online courses take more preparation time, says study 

An Australian study of just over 2,000 academics has found that online courses are more time-consuming to prepare for than traditional teaching. 

The researchers found that it took an hour more to plan an online tutorial than to plan an in-person one, and that developing an entirely new unit required more hours when the course would be delivered online. 

The study also did not find any difference between older and younger academics in the time it took to develop an online course.

“In our experience...the prevailing pressure from administrators is that online students take less staff time to teach, [but] staff indicate that the materials take longer to prepare,” explained researcher John Kenny, who noted that the results had implications for workload models that do not account for online course development time. "

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