Penn State Releases Headless Authoring Experience for Online Courses | Distance Learning, mLearning, Digital Education, Technology |
Penn State’s Headless Authoring Experience (HAX)
As recently reported on Penn State News, the idea for HAX started on a white board about three years ago. As Ollendyke recently told Penn State News, “We needed a way to make it easier and faster to produce high-quality, accessible online courses. HAX is a course-authoring solution for faculty and staff that does not require them to know HTML to make pages, removing a barrier to participate and leveraging user experiences, such as those found using Weebly, Wix or SquareSpace.” So, how easy is HAX? Ollendyke and Kaufman use Lego pieces to explain it. Essentially, HAX builds the bricks but what one does with the bricks is entirely up to them.