10 Free (or Cheap) Tools that Deliver Extraordinary Results for Content Development | Distance Learning, mLearning, Digital Education, Technology | Scoop.it

Compelling content is king; i.e., content that offers fresh insights or educates or informs in a way for easy consumption.


As discussed in previous posts, most B2B content falls into the dreadful content bucket. Too much “me, me and here’s a little more about me” as opposed to an outward perspective.


One person who has labored over B2B content, what works and what doesn’t work, is my good friend and colleague Steve Farnsworth. In short, Steve knows content marketing and the nitty gritty of lead generation.


With this as the backdrop, here are his top 10 tools and resources that he applies to content marketing campaigns. Beyond developing the content, many of the tools address how to distribute and magnify the reach....

Via Jeff Domansky