Generative AI: The teacher that can help close the skills gap? | Educación a Distancia y TIC |

The global talent gap is long-lamented and continues to grow — in the U.S. alone, there are currently 9.6 million job openings compared to 6.5 million unemployed. 

This has many calling for upskilling and re-skilling of existing workforces. However, while many business leaders recognize that need, they are hampered by a lack of time, resources and funds to develop materials on which to train their workers. 

This is another area that — like so many others — where generative AI offers transformative promise, according to Cypher Learning. The learning management system provider released a study this week exploring leaders’ challenges with upskilling, their exploration of gen AI in building training materials and the promise the technology holds in repairing the schism between the number of workers and available jobs. 

“Generative AI is already transforming employee training,” CYPHER Learning founder and CEO Graham Glass told VentureBeat. “In 2024, the focus will be on reimagining education with AI at its core.”

Via Canadian Vocational Association / Association canadienne de la formation professionnelle