herdsa.org.au | Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia | Educational Leadership | Scoop.it
The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia is a scholarly society for people committed to the advancement of higher and tertiary education. It promotes the development of higher education policy, practice and the study of teaching and learning. HERDSA encourages and disseminates research on teaching and learning and higher education development. It also works to build strong academic communities. The current HERDSA Constitution was adopted in 2013.

HERDSA works to:
•advance educational policy and practice in the higher education and tertiary sector
•facilitate and promote the enhancement of teaching and learning •encourage and disseminate research on higher education and tertiary teaching, learning, development, research, leadership and policy matters
•recognise and reward outstanding contributions to higher and tertiary
•education encourage collaboration and the development of professional communities in higher and tertiary education and
•assist its members in their ongoing professional development.