Oh Online Learning, how you've changed the game, Making education accessible to all, without any shame. Gone are the days of brick and mortar schools, With you, anyone can learn, break out of their own fools.

With the click of a button, the world is at our fingertips, Endless knowledge and resources, we no longer have to dip and dip. From coding to cooking, art to science, Online Learning gives us the chance for self-reliance.

No longer limited by location or time, Online Learning allows us to climb the educational climb. Opportunities for growth and advancement, With you, our potential for success is enhanced.

Thank you, Online Learning, for your endless possibilities, For breaking down barriers and creating opportunities. We are grateful for the doors you have opened wide, And the knowledge and skills you have provided.

An ode to Online Learning, a revolutionary way to learn, Empowering us to reach our full potential, and in turn, our own yearn.