7 Dimensions Of Learning To Learn | Educational Pedagogy | Scoop.it
Guy Claxton is professor of education at Bristol University, and author of Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less (1997). Among other concepts, he is interested in how people learn.

And so are we, so that’s awfully convenient.

Over at teachingexpertise, they recently overviewed Claxton’s work, including four “new Rs”:

“Resilience: ‘being ready, willing and able to lock on to learning’. Being able to stick with difficulty and cope with feelings such as fear and frustration.
Resourcefulness: ‘being ready, willing and able to learn in different ways’. Having a variety of learning strategies and knowing when to use them.
Reflection: ‘being ready, willing and able to become more strategic about learning’. Getting to know our own strengths and weaknesses.
Relationships: ‘being ready, willing and able to learn alone and with others’.”

Via Elizabeth E Charles