The Simple Way to Give Difficult Feedback (Without Hurting Feelings) | Educational Pedagogy |
Learn how to balance honesty with compassion for maximum impact


Whether you're a leader or a peer, part of your responsibility is to give people feedback. Having been raised in a culture that often dances around the truth and tiptoes near insecurities, you may lack the skills required to balance brutal honesty with a sense of compassion.


Think about the feedback you've been given. Chances are, in some of those situations, the feedback was hurtful. Other times, after the initial sting subsided, you learned a great deal about yourself.


In the best type of feedback, however, you felt respected, safe, and pushed slightly outside of your comfort zone. That's because the most effective type of feedback is tailored to the individual--making him or her feel appreciated and pointing out where growth needs to occur.


Finding that perfect mix is easier than you think.


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Via Gust MEES