The Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis Nexus: “Mental Disorders” Drives Big Pharma Profit and Social Control | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization | Global Health, Fitness and Medical Issues |

"Moreover, the alarming partnership merger between Big Business and Big Government combined with America’s morphing from a deceased democratic republic into an emerging fascist totalitarian oligarchy best illustrates this phenomenon that now has nearly every American able to be diagnosed with a specific mental disorder. Where there is no ethical or moral consideration for what’s best for the human population, having this convenient DSM tool leading the mental health system to in effect be able to certifiably declare virtually anyone with a diagnosable mental disorder ultimately becomes the perfect vehicle/weapon for abusive tyranny and oppression. Institutionalization in lock-up facilities like insane asylums, prisons and FEMA camps looms large in the feds’ not-so-hidden agenda, especially the United Nations Agenda 21."

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco