CRR - Overview - Curriculum in Radiology Reporting | Hospitals and Healthcare |

The "Curriculum in Radiology Reporting" has been constructed using the tripod of discussion, user activity, and feedback. The content is divided by topic into Modules and each module covers sub-topics in Sections.

Within each Section, the primary unit of instruction is the Case, each of which begins with a study request and one or more images. Before addressing the report proper, the learner must identify the Key Finding for the study and assign a level of Urgency to the case. This format closely mirrors actual radiology practice and helps the learner to formulate an internal gauge of when interpersonal communication is necessary.

After the initial activities, the focus moves to reporting issues. Each case presents the learner with realistic reports for consideration. The learner must identify errors of omission, commission, and structure. Feedback is given incrementally throughout.