Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration - University of Wollongong – UOW | Hospitals and Healthcare |
The Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) aims to improve palliative care patient and carer outcomes.

Participation in PCOC is voluntary. Any service that provides palliative care can join PCOC. Central to the PCOC program is a framework and protocol for routine clinical assessment and response. By embedding the framework into routine clinical practice, a common clinical language is created. This helps identify and respond to needs. It also helps with improving access to palliative care, and generating consistent information to plan and deliver care. Due to its success in achieving nation-wide improvements in patient outcomes in Australia, PCOC is regarded as a core national palliative care program funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. The PCOC model is also being implemented internationally. Contact us for more information.