Researchers from UNSW Sydney and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), Universidade Cidade de São Paulo, Brazil and the University of Washington, US have identified a new drug-free treatment which combines hypnosis with pain management education to reduce the intensity of chronic low back pain.

Chronic low back pain is the leading cause of disability in Australia and will develop in around 40% of the 4 million Australians who experience low back pain.

Associate Professor James McAuley from NeuRA and UNSW Sydney said that despite the availability of pain medications and other pain therapies, an ideal treatment which benefits the majority of chronic pain sufferers has not been identified.

“Most of the available therapies have significant side effects, or risks of serious adverse events,” said Assocaite Professor McAuley.

“Hypnosis is a safe drug-free method which we have shown can help reduce pain intensity, disability, and catastrophising of pain by those receiving the combined treatment.