Mental Health Professionals Can Help with Fibromyalgia El Paso, Texas | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Neuropathy "The Painful Enigma" |

Fibromyalgia pain is not just physical. Around 30% of individuals experience depression, anxiety, or some form of mood disturbance/swing. Fibromyalgia is still being researched if it causes these conditions or vice versa, but what is clear is that when the mental state gives in to the physical pain, your pain gets worse and worse.


A doctor may recommend a:


  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist


Symptoms are varied and impact an individual's life in ways that go beyond physical pain. Fatigue alone can be enough to alter lifestyle in a negative way, which affects mood.


Taking control of symptoms usually means taking a multi-disciplinary approach that includes:


  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychology


Mental and emotional therapy could be a part of a treatment plan.

Depression and Anxiety Difference

Depression and anxiety are sometimes put in the same category. Symptoms can include depression and anxiety occur at the same time but they are not synonymous disordersDepression is characterized by chronic sadness. Individuals handle depression, their own way. Some cry or lash out in anger/frustration. Some days are spent in bed, other days/nights are spent eating excessively, as a response to the pain. The most important thing is recognizing the change in behavior. Talk to your doctor or a therapist.


Anxiety is known for feelings of panic, fear, and excessive worry. Individuals feel their heart is racing that can get confused with a heart problem.


Fibromyalgia Depression Connection

To understand how fibromyalgia relates to depression and anxiety, and see the difference between depression and anxiety, here are some symptoms.


The symbols show symptoms most associated with the disorder. However, it's possible to experience less sleep than normal if you have depression, but the more common symptom is sleeping more than usual.

Finding a Mental Health Professional

Professionals include:


  • Licensed professional counselors (PCs)
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists


These professionals are trained to diagnose and treat mental/emotional issues. Your doctor can help in figuring out which is best for you.


  • Licensed professional counselors require a master's degree in counseling and are approved to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders.
  • Psychologists are considered as a separate group of non-physician mental health professionals. They have a doctorate and are approved to treat emotional problems using therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Psychiatrists are medical doctors that are licensed to prescribe medications to help depression and anxiety, along with several mental disorders.


Adding the impact this disorder has on a person's mental and emotional state can seriously damage their quality of life. Recognizing when the pain is not just physical is difficult. Therefore setting up a telemedicine/video conference with a mental health professional could help in dealing with the mental stresses that come with fibromyalgia. Even for those that don't require medication seeing a mental health professional can be highly beneficial.


You can openly talk about experiences having to do with fibromyalgia, how it affects your family, etc,  which is therapeutic in itself. Do not hesitate to seek the help of a mental health professional. The focus is to help you feel better, become educated on ways to help yourself and improved quality of life.



Peripheral Neuropathy Causes & Symptoms