Positive Psychology: Harnessing the power of happiness, mindfulness, and personal strength - Harvard Health | Physical and Mental Health - Exercise, Fitness and Activity | Scoop.it
It’s often said that happiness is a choice: You can either choose to be happy or choose to be sad, stressed, or anxious.

But simply choosing happiness doesn’t always make it so. Many times, you can’t simply force a smile and make believe that everything is coming up roses.

Thankfully, there are much more effective ways, based squarely on research-proven Positive Psychology strategies and concrete techniques that can help you deal effectively with life’s challenges and attain long-term happiness.

That’s why the health experts at Harvard Medical School have created the all-new Positive Psychology Course — the exclusive interactive resource that helps you apply the same tools that are widely used by mental health professionals to help treat a variety of condition, from stress, anxiety and anger to coping with grief and loss.

Step-by-step, Harvard’s Positive Psychology Course will give you strategies to build happier, more positive lifestyle