What is it that "grabs" people about skiing? | Physical and Mental Health - Exercise, Fitness and Activity | Scoop.it

Skiing has been around in one form or another since pre-historic Nordic and Sami people's used to bind crudely formed planks onto their feet as a way of transporting themselves on the snow.

In modern times the use of the ski has become more recreational with a connotation that only the financially able amongst us can afford to experience the addictive sensations of gliding on snow.

But what IS it about skiing that has potential to capture people for life, turning seemingly "normal" people into skiing evangalists, who can sniff out the first suggestions of the cold wintery blasts from the south which bring the coveted "white stuff' to our mountains?

I am devoting a good part of my life right now to writing about what "skiing" might be.  This goes beyond the outward appearance of what we think skiing may be - you know, the flash 4 wheel drives, the puffy ski clothing, the half-tanned face....to the essence and core of what skiing might be; the "skiing-ness" of skiing. 

I invite thoughts, contributions and correspondence from anyone who ski's and has a deep love for the sport as I do.

I can be contacted directly at kerensa_grant@hotmail.com

Via Kerensa Pickett Clark, Peter Mellow