Reasons To Use Custom Foot Orthotics For Back Pain Relief | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Posture Insights |

Are Your Shoes Causing Back Pain

Musculoskeletal health is one of the highest costs in healthcare today.

There are 1 in 2 Americans that have a musculoskeletal condition. And the need for support along with body alignment is at an all-time high.


In today's world surveys found that Americans wear two to three pairs of shoes during the week.


However, these shoes are not made to support:


  • The body
  • Fit the feet
  • And can be dangerous to general musculoskeletal health


Health and freedom from pain are important factors in a healthy quality of life. But it starts with proper support for the body that begins from the ground up. 


Many believe that to get proper support all you need is to buy top shoes that are optimized with athletic properties. While athletic shoes are definitely more comfortable they do not provide adequate support for the body and can affect posture and the body's alignment.


The shoes out on the market today, whether athletic or dress are more about fashion than function. These shoes are designed based on sample sizes. Shoe companies use for men a size ten and for women a size eight for their sample. Then material is added or subtracted to create the larger or smaller sizes.


The resultant shoes are designed to fit and provide optimum performance but are not customized to conform to each individual's unique feet. 


  • Shoes are designed to protect feet from the elements and adapt to various activities.
  • They are not designed to handle the additional forces necessary to support the body.


Take a look at the extensive wear patterns on your shoes and see if there are imbalances in the feet. If there are areas that are really worn/flattened out then there can be severe pronation taking place. This is one serious reason to look into foot orthotics,


  • Not to worry, as excessive foot pronation affects everyone.
  • While at school, work or conducting daily chores is when individuals pronate and while wearing shoes with no arch/spine support.
  • Pronation in the feet combined with shoes that don't fit with no support has a negative impact on posture and alignment.


With no sufficient support, the body reverts to the imbalanced state. With continued use and not addressed will cause pain in the:


  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Neck


And unfortunately, most of us ignore and even power through the pain caused by the poor fit and lack of support from these shoes.

Reasons to Use Custom Orthotics

  1. The feet make up the body’s foundation. Just like a house, problems with the foundation will create problems throughout the structure over time. Therefore if the foundation is remedied properly then the other issues remedy themselves or are easier to treat because the feet are already taken care of.
  2. Feet problems/issues create back problems. Fixing foot problems will make a difference with the back pain treatment plan.
  3. Individuals think their feet are just fine. However, they don't know what problems are in the background waiting for the worst moment to present. Imbalance/dysfunction is a silent issue that can ripple into many problems along with pain in the spine.
  4. Feet are as unique as fingerprints. Custom orthotics will make a vast difference between the right and left foot and accommodate the body to achieve its full potential.
  5. Custom orthotics are built just for you. Based on a high-resolution 3D scan of your feet, that is sent to a Foot Levelers’ team of technicians, who create your 100% unique, tailored foot orthotic/s.


Don’t be fooled by over-the-counter knock offs. These are mass-produced insoles that can worsen pain. And while most cases of back pain respond well with Chiropractic care, adding custom foot orthotics will enhance the effectiveness of the treatment with no need for surgery or side effects from medications.

Other Reasons

Custom orthotics also helps with:



Your feet and your body will thank you and will improve health by maintaining proper posture, combined with full-body support to achieve optimal quality of life.



Eliminate your Low Back Pain! El Paso, Tx (2020) FOOT ORTHOTICS