Leg Pain Associated with Back Injuries | Spine Health & Spinal Hygiene | Scoop.it

Many people commonly describe feeling shooting pain down their leg along with back pain. Numerous factors could be causing these frequent symptoms but before treating an individual with back and leg pain, a proper diagnosis is first required to identify the source of the problem.

One of the most common causes for symptoms of pain, numbness, and tingling sensations originating from the back and traveling down the leg could suggest a disc problem on the lower back. Disc complications, such as disc bulges, disc inflammation due to injury, herniated discs, and disc extrusions, are all painful conditions that could affect a person’s lifestyle. While many people consider surgery as an option for treating their spine injuries or conditions, chiropractic treatment through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulation can also help treat and improve the symptoms of many spine-related injuries and conditions. Regardless of the treatment options you may choose to follow, the healing process usually requires time and patience to completely restore the natural state of your body.

If you’re experiencing pain, you can apply ice to the affected area. The ice will help to reduce the inflammation of the muscle and help decrease the compression of the nerves. Complications of the spine and its symptoms may not go away over night but with regular and frequent care, you can eventually begin to feel better.