Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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International Translation Day Prompts Reflection | 7Brands

International Translation Day Prompts Reflection
Since 1953, International Translation Day has been celebrated by people all over the world on September 30th. While such a day doesn’t seem like one worth celebrating, translation is actually very much a part of everyone’s lives, whether they realize it or not. Even if you’ve never sought out professional translation services or even typed anything into Google translate, you’ve probably been more affected by translation than you think. Without translation, we would not be where we are today. Aside from allowing people to communicate with each other from cultures across the globe and bringing new forms of art into different countries, translation has two very real affects on everyday people and their lots in life.

Translation Saves Lives
At any given moment, translators around the world are working diligently to scan news articles from other countries to watch out for threats on the United States. By translating these stories, we can be prepared for any terror threats on our country as well as any serious health outbreaks. That isn’t even the only way translation saves lives, as many doctors use translation services to help people visiting from other countries. Even if you don’t travel, you could someday need medical care from someone who speaks another language. Some diseases can only be treated at world renowned hospitals in other countries, and communicating with your doctor would be impossible without translation.

Translation Fuels the Economy
To meet the expectations and demands of shareholders and customers, most Fortune 500 companies use professional translator services so that they can communicate globally. If they don’t hire staff specifically for that purpose, they probably hire bilingual staff should the need for translation arise. Exportation is part of the United States economy, and it simply would not be possible without translation. Even if a company does not export globally, there’s a chance its investors are from another country, and they’ll need a way to update these investors on progress.

It’s easy to forget the role that translation plays in our every day lives, which is why International Translation Day gives us cause to pause and reflect. Whether officials are using a German translator to halt a global war crisis or you’re reading the English translation of a French poem to your loved one on Valentine’s Day, translation is an essential part of the health, happiness, cultural understanding, and general well being of people around the world.!
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Appreciaton for translators | Argo Translation Inc

Appreciaton for translators
Did you know that International Translation Day is celebrated each year on September 30th? It originated as the day of St. Jerome, Biblical translator, and has been in existence since 1953. These days it marks a day of appreciation for the often overlooked work done by translation professionals.
Translation is easy to spot when it has been poorly done. Most people can think of at least one instance of an awkwardly translated sign or even advertising containing a failed attempt at localizing humor or slang. Rarely do we hear about the countless instances of quality work being done by translators and how it impacts our lives on a daily basis.
Translation is all around us, frequently in areas that aren’t as visible as signage, packaging or ads. Many companies produce multilingual internal communication and documentation, sometimes through the work of bilingual employees and other times with the expertise of translation professionals. Translators contribute to political and intelligence efforts, and they facilitate communication between families and loved ones. Translators in some areas work under circumstances which could constitute a personal risk, and there have even been accounts of violence targeting translators.!
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Traducteurs: une nouvelle génération en quête de reconnaissance

TRADUCTEURS - Dans l'indifférence générale, du moins en France, la discipline de la traduction a eu le droit dimanche 30 septembre à sa journée mondiale. L'occasion pour Les Oubliés de l'Actu de rendre ses lettres de noblesse à un très vieux métier que les novices ont du mal à intégrer. Par des témoignages en série, nous mettons la lumière sur ces jeunes ayant fait le choix d'exercer leur passion quitte à rester dans l'ombre.

La traduction, un art oublié ?

"Les traducteurs sont comme les peintres de portraits ; ils peuvent embellir la copie, mais elle doit toujours ressembler à l'original", Élie Fréron

Chaque année, la journée mondiale de la traduction est célébrée le 30 septembre, jour de la Saint-Jérôme. Né à Stridon, dans l'actuelle Croatie, vers 331, ce dernier resta connu pour avoir été le traducteur officiel de la Bible en langue latine, la Vulgate. Ce fût au sein de son monastère en plein cœur de Bethléem (Cisjordanie) qu'il commença son travail par la modification de la version latine du Nouveau Testament dès 382. S'attaquant à l'Ancien Testament huit ans plus tard, cet exégète termina son œuvre vers 405. Depuis le jour de sa mort, un certain 30 septembre 420, il demeure le patron des traductrices et des traducteurs.

Plusieurs siècles plus tard, les jeunes traducteurs en quête d'expérience ont délaissé le monastère pour leur PC ou leur Macbook Pro, reclus dans leur petit appartement. Sortant à peine des études, beaucoup éprouvent bien des difficultés à débuter dans le métier. C'est notamment le cas d'Anoury Bettina Vannavong qui, à 25 ans, se heurte à un manque cruel de propositions.

Cette Laotienne d'origine avoue être « passionnée par les langues depuis toujours » car elle a vécu « dans un environnement où on devait facilement passer d'une langue à une autre ». C'est pourquoi elle s'est orientée vers une licence LEA anglais-espagnol. "Les deux premières années restent très générales mais le programme nous permet déjà de toucher à la traduction", affirme-t-elle avant d'ajouter que c'est "en 3e année que je me suis vraiment spécialisée".!
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International Translation Day

International Translation Day

English: The Francesco St Jerome by Palma il Giovane (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Happy International Translation Day everyone, or what’s left of it. 30th September is the feast day of St Jerome, the patron saint of translators, but until last year, I wasn’t even aware of it. This year, however, my Twitter timeline is awash with greetings, blog posts and ecards celebrating the day. Confusingly, the International Translation Day event put on by the Free Word Centre isn’t until Friday, but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

It feels like getting to all the fantastic translation related events going on at the moment would almost be a full-time job – I missed Anthea Bell in conversation with the BCLT’s Danny Hahn at the London Review Bookshop on Friday, and I won’t be able to hang around in London for the rest of the Notes & Letters festival at Kings Place – the cabaret evening with Ukranian author Andrey Kurkov sounds particularly interesting. The ITI workshop in Edinburgh is something else I’d have liked to get to, as is the Language Show Live at Olympia, and there are tweet-ups and meet-ups galore. While time, childcare and money don’t stretch to all of them, I am particularly excited about Other worlds: Publishing children’s literature in translation coming up later in the month.

Afternoon tea in Mayfair sounds pretty good on its own, and when you add in Anthea Bell (again!), Sarah Ardizzone, Barry Cuningham and Wendy Cooling as speakers, and a topic of children’s books in translation, well – I’m there!

So, what with one thing and another, it’s going to be a busy few weeks. I’ll try to keep up to date with reviews though – plenty of good books hanging around waiting to be read and written about, and that’s just mine. The boys aren’t short of reading matter either, so I’ll see what I can do.!
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Día Internacional de la Traducción

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Día Internacional de la Traducción
Posted on septiembre 30, 2012 | Deja un comentario
Día Internacional de la Traducción

Hoy es un día importante, para traductores y para no traductores. Es un día importante para los futuros traductores que sueñan cada noche con ese día en el que ellos aportarán también su granito de arena al mundo de la traducción; para aquellos que están empezando y para aquellos que llevan años traduciendo, tejiendo sueños y solucionando problemas a miles de personas; para aquellos que pasan sus días investigando sobre traducción y ayudan a que el mundo de la traducción mejore día a día. Es un día importante incluso para aquellos que ni siquiera saben lo que es un traductor, pero que, como dice el traductor profesional Xosé Castro, también se han acostado alguna vez con uno…

¿Cómo surge el Día Internacional de la Traducción?

El Día internacional del Traductor y el Intérprete se celebra como conmemoración del fallecimiento de San Jerónimo de Estridón, patrono de esta profesión. La celebración fue promovida por la Federación Internacional de Traductores desde 1953. En 1991 la FIT lanzó la idea de que el Día Internacional de la Traducción fuera oficialmente reconocido en un esfuerzo por potenciar la figura del traductor y promover la profesión de traductor en los todos los países del mundo.!
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Happy International Translation Day! - News | Lingvista Translation Agency

09/30/12 Happy International Translation Day!

Dear colleagues! Lingvista greets you on the International Translation Day! We are proud of our specialists and happy to work in this field.
Translator is one of the most ancient professions. Translator is a person who never stops learning, self improving, opening new areas of interest and acquiring professional skills.
International Translation Day was introduced in 1991 by the International Federation of Translators and is celebrated every year on the 30th of September. This day is the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of all translators. This holiday is becoming increasingly popular due to globalization and rapid growth of international activity.
Translators and interpreters are the key part of effective communication. In the present-day world it’s almost all about the relationships, and the role of translators can’t be overestimated. That’s why the priority of our company is to create favorable working conditions for our specialists.
Dear translators and interpreters! Please accept Lingvista’s greetings on your holiday. We wish you success, professional advancement and interesting projects. We are open for fruitful cooperation!!
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Día Internacional de la Traducción

Día Internacional de la Traducción
Escrito por:
Inma Martín3
September 28th, 2012Para Freelance

Feliz Día Internacional a tod@s los Traductores e Interpretes del mundo desde nubelo queremos celebrar éste día con vosotros para apoyar vuestro trabajo que hoy en día en éste mundo tan globalizado en el que vivimos es fundamental.

¿Por qué el día 30 de Septiembre?

El Día Internacional de la Traducción se celebra el 30 de Septiembre porque es el día que se conmemora el fallecimiento de Jerónimo de Estridón que fue quién tradujo la Biblia y por ello, es él el patrón de los traductores.

La Federación Internacional de Traductores que fue creada en 1953 en Ginebra promueve este día en el que se rinde un reconocimiento oficial a la figura de los traductores y desde 1991 se celebra de manera oficial El Día Internacional de la Traducción para destacar el esfuerzo de ésta profesión de traductor en los diferentes países. Esta es una oportunidad para mostrar el orgullo de una profesión que se está convirtiendo cada vez más en esencial en esta era de globalización.

La labor de los Traductores

Gracias a los traductores podemos entender la información de otros países y culturas. Su trabajo consiste en comunicarnos al resto de personas que desconocemos una lengua el mensaje. Se podría decir que los traductores, y aún más hoy en día, son un instrumento en en el proceso de la comunicación.

En un mundo tan globalizado como en el que vivimos su figura se hace imprescindible. Nos llegan imágenes y testimonios de diferentes lugares del mundo y sentimos la necesidad de saber que nos está transmitiendo esa persona, ya que, el ser humano por naturaleza necesita comunicarse.

Historia sobre la figura del Traductor!
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Did you know that the 30th of September is International Translation Day? |

Did you know that the 30th of September is International Translation Day?

The first International Translation Day was back in 1953, ever since then it has been celebrated annually. The holiday was set at the end of September to coincide with the Feast of St. Jerome, who was the first translator of the Bible. He translated it into Latin from old Hebrew and Greek texts and is therefore considered to be the patron saint of translators.
Nonetheless, International Translation Day itself is not denominational. According to the International Federation of Translators, its purpose is to:
“remind users of translation and interpreting services of the important work performed by translators, often with exemplary dedication and, more often still, in the shadows.”!
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International Translation Day | Translator Fun

Click on the image to enlarge it. Also see this cartoon in Spanish

On International Translation Day (September 30th) I’d like to wish all my colleagues a wonderful day. This cartoon depicts a common attitude many non-translators have towards our profession. On the other hand, this article by Nataly Kelly published on the Huffington Post highlights the important role translators play in today’s world by listing 10 Ways Translation Shapes Your Life.

To all my colleagues out there: Happy International Translation Day!!
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Happy International Translation Day! – Fluent Historian

oday, September 30, is International Translation Day! If you know a translator in your life, let him or her know that you appreciate the massive amount of effort it takes to learn a language, and then render material in that language into another. Nataly Kelly has a great post here about how important translation is.
In honor of International Translation Day, I want to share some literary translation I have been working on, just for fun. This is my rendition of Mikhail Bulgakov’s The White Guard, his early novel based on his experiences living in Kiev during the Russian Revolution.
Great and terrible was the year of Our Lord 1918, the second since the start of the revolution. In the summer there was abundant sun, in the winter snow, and two stars rose especially high in the heavens: the star of shepherds, evening Venus, and red, trembling Mars.
But the days in both peaceful and bloody years fly by like an arrow, and the young Turbins did not notice how, in the hard frost, white, woolly December arrived. Oh, Father Frost, sparkling with snow and happiness! Mother, radiant queen, where are you now?!
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The Translation Blog | One Hour Translation

A thank you to our team of translators here at OneHourTranslation.
Posted by Joshua on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 23:25
Translating texts from over 65 languages is not an easy task. Today, September 30th, is the official International Translation Day, and as such prompts us to write a “Thank You” to all the translators at OneHourTranslation. From the translator support team, management, quality assurance, and, of course, the customers of OneHourTranslation, we all owe a debt of gratitude for the translators of every language. Without human translation services and businesses striving to reach a larger audience, this world of ours would be much less connected.

For those who spend their days translating documents, websites, and copy, International Translation Day recognizes the time, effort, and expertise it takes to properly translate text from one language to another. Through trials and tribulations, translators throughout the forums of OneHourTranslation back each other up and strive to create the highest possible translation services. Without the experts in each language that translate, edit, and edit again, OneHourTranslation would not be possible.!
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Translators mark their professional holiday. » News | Society » Belteleradiocompany

Translators mark their professional holiday.
The date of September 30 was chosen not by accident. It is related to Saint Jerome, who translated Bible into Latin. The official representatives of this profession already existed in the Ancient Egypt.
(Ludmila Rusak, translator)
Maria Mikhed is a director of translating company. Her employees know at least 2 languages. Most clients need their documents to be translated into German or English But some customers apply for translations from Japanese, Chinese and Arabian.
(Maria Mikhed, translator)
Alexander Pushkin called translators "postal horses of the progress". The profession has always considered to be prestigious and demanded. And the enrollment contest to the Translator's Department is one of the highest ones. Besides, foreign languages are now required at practically any job.!
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Princeton University Press Blog » Blog Archive » Celebrate International Translation Day with PUP

Celebrate International Translation Day with Princeton University Press! Promoted by FIT, International Translation Day celebrates the feast of St. Jerome, who translated the Hebrew Bible into Latin, and who is recognized today as the patron saint of translators. Enjoy the day browsing this sampling of some of our favorite, recent translations!
The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492
Translated, Edited & Introduced by Peter Cole
Read the Introduction.
Angina Days: Selected Poems
Günter Eich
Translated and introduced by Michael Hofmann
Check out the Introduction.
Oranges and Snow: Selected Poems of Milan Djordjevic
Translated and introduced by Charles Simic
Here’s the Introduction.
Poems Under Saturn: Poèmes saturniens
Paul Verlaine
Translated and with an introduction by Karl Kirchwey
Read the Introduction.
Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction
Pierre Briant
Translated by Amélie Kuhrt
Here’s the Introduction.
The Axe and the Oath: Ordinary Life in the Middle Ages
Robert Fossier
Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane
Read Chapter 1.
Globalization: A Short History
Jürgen Osterhammel & Niels P. Petersson
Translated by Dona Geyer
Check out Chapter 1.!
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Journée mondiale de la traduction | Traduction professionnelle: le blog de traduction

La journée mondiale de la traduction se tiendra le dimanche 30 septembre 2012. Cette date n’a pas été choisie par hasard : c’est le jour de la Saint Jérôme qui n’est autre que le saint patron des traducteurs et traductrices ! Pour la petite histoire, Saint Jérôme fut le traducteur officiel de la bible en langue latine au 3ème siècle. Son ouvrage est plus connu sous le nom de Vulgate.!
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Babylon Celebrates International Translation Day 2012 - The Business Journals

Babylon Celebrates International Translation Day 2012
PR Newswire
NEW YORK, September 30, 2012
NEW YORK, September 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Today Babylon is celebrating International Translation Day. The Company marks the event with "Babylon is the One for Me" - a collection clip of fan-made videos from users all over the world, sharing why Babylon is their #1 translation tool.

Babylon's mission is to connect people around the world by enabling them to understand, communicate and search for information using multiple languages. Babylon provides translations in 77 languages - from commonly spoken languages, such as Spanish, German English and French, to less familiar languages such as Hausa, Faeroese, Tamazight, Pashto and Basque.

"With a current presence in 228 territories, we aim to bring quality, feature rich translations to users all around the world," says VP of Marketing and Sales, Liat Sade-Sternberg. "Babylon's translation tools were designed to satisfy the Company's highly varied user base" she continued, "with a user friendly product design, large selection of add-on features, and extensive selection of languages"

Babylon's translation database contains over 1,600 dictionaries and professional glossaries. The Company received 2.1 billion translations requests in the first half of 2012. It provides 100 million term translations per day and is currently the most downloaded translation software.!
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Hoy se celebra el día del traductor público

El día Internacional del Traductor Público e intérprete se celebra cada 30 de septiembre, fecha en que se recuerda el fallecimiento del Jerónimo de Estridón, el traductor de la Biblia consagrado como patrono de los Traductores.
Ante la especial fecha, traductoras públicas locales como Aidée Rodas Basualdo, la licenciada Mirta Edith Amarilla y Beatriz Cáceres, hicieron llegar su cordial saludo a todos los profesionales del área.

Indicaron las profesionales formoseñas que la celebración ha sido promovida por la FIT ( Federación Internacional de Traductores) desde su creación en 1953. En 1991 la FIT lanzó la idea de un Día Internacional de la Traducción oficialmente reconocido , para mostrar la solidaridad de la comunidad de traductores en todo el mundo, en un esfuerzo por promover la profesión de traductor en los diferentes países.

Tender puentes culturales.

“Traducir es tender puentes culturales” fue el lema del XIX Congreso de la FIT que congrega a todas las asociaciones de traductores e intérpretes. Esta expresión resume lo que representa en la sociedad el oficio del traductor, aseveraron.

¿Nos podríamos entender en un mundo globalizado? Obviamente no. Más de 7000 lenguas se hablan en todo el mundo. Los intercambios comerciales, culturales, políticos, científicos, artísticos, deportivos, etc., no podrían compartirse por hablantes de lenguas diferentes a la de sus autores. La comunicación más allá de las fronteras se detendría o sería posible sólo para algunos privilegiados. Allí está el rol de traductores e intérpretes que construyen puentes entre las diferentes culturas y facilitan el intercambio comunicacional, enfatizaron.!
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The Translation Blog | One Hour Translation

Ever heard of Saint Jerome? A Roman Catholic priest, Saint Jerome is most famous for his translation of the Bible into Latin.

International Translation Day
This year’s theme is ‘Translation as Intercultural Communication’.
Posted by Stacey on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 15:32
Ever heard of Saint Jerome? A Roman Catholic priest, Saint Jerome is most famous for his translation of the Bible into Latin. Considered to be the patron saint of translators, Saint Jerome is celebrated on 30 September every year with the Feast of St Jerome.

Global Recognition

In 1991 the International Federation of Translators launched International Translation Day, a day designed to internationally recognise translators worldwide. While International Translation Day has been chosen to be held on the day of the Feast of St Jerome, the day is intended to show solidarity between all members of the translation community worldwide, not just in Christian countries.!
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Charles Tiayon!
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Honouring St. Jerome and the Work of Translators

Translators wrestle with an author's carefully chosen words and try to find a way to represent the same ideas, the same feelings, the same sounds and rhythm, and the same associations and allusions into a different tongue.


I'm not one to care much for saints, but there is one whose feast day I regularly celebrate and who I think should definitely be praised, and that's Jerome.

Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus (Jerome to his friends in the English-speaking world) was, among many other things, the translator of the Bible into Latin, and he wrote commentaries about the work, sometimes discussing his translations as well. For this reason, he is considered the patron saint of translators, and the date of his death in the year 420, 30 September, is celebrated as International Translation Day.

So why should translators be honoured and celebrated?

Go to any library or bookstore or, hopefully, to one of your own bookshelves. Pick up a bunch of books and flip through them. You should find that a number of them are translations.

Do you have Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov? Pablo Neruda's love sonnets? Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle? My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk? Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo? The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera? Or what about a thriller by Stieg Larsson or Jo Nesbø? Or a children's book by Astrid Lindgren or Joanna Spyri or Carlo Collodi?

All translations.

Oh, yeah, and what about that old classic known as the bible?

That's a translation, too (despite some people believing that Jesus spoke English).

And how did these beautiful, moving, exciting, important books find their way into English (and many other languages)?

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The Ionian University celebrates the International Translation Day 2012

The Ionian University celebrates the International Translation Day 2012

Important date: 30-09-2012
Status: Pending

Publication type: Forthcoming event
Editor: Office collaborator
Organization: Rectorate (Ionian Academy)
Last updated: 28-09-2012 23:24

International Translation Day - 30 September 2012: Translation as Intercultural Communication.

International Translation Day is celebrated every year on September 30th on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered as the patron saint of translators.

The celebrations have been promoted by FIT (the International Federation of Translators ) ever since it was set up in 1953. In 1991 FIT launched the idea of an officially recognised International Translation Day to show solidarity of the worldwide translation community in an effort to promote the translation profession in different countries (not necessarily only in Christian ones).!
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International Translation Day in Austria will focus on quality in translation » CEATL - Conseil Européen des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires

International Translation Day in Austria will focus on quality in translation
20-09-2012 - Events | Austria
This year’s event marking International Translation Day in Austria will focus on the topic of quality in translation. It is organised by the Austrian Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association Universitas. Traditionally, Universitas and Übersetzergemeinschaft (Austrian Literary and Scientific Translators’ Association) take turns in hosting the ‘St. Jerome’s festival’ on or around International Translation Day bringing together the different translation professions. The presentations will cover quality issues in the EU DG Translation, literary translation and interpreting.!
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International Translation Day in London (5 October 2012) » CEATL - Conseil Européen des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires

International Translation Day in London (5 October 2012)
12-09-2012 - Events | Great-Britain
On the occassion of International Translation Day, several British literary organisations are teaming up to host a symposium in London. The event will bring together translators, students, publishers, booksellers, librarians, bloggers and reviewers to debate significant issues and developments within the sector.

Sessions will include:

Getting started in translation
Translators in schools
Doing it yourself: the rise of the small press
Promotional strategies
Translation Live! Touring and live literature events
Theatre director Dominic Dromgoole will give a talk on staging Shakespeare in translation, and Andrei Kurkov and Tash Aw will speak on this year’s Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize.

The event, taking place on 5 October, is part of the Notes & Letters Festival (5-8 October).!
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International Translation Day

International Translation Day
On the occasion of St. Jerome feast day, the patron Saint of translators, the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik celebrates the International Translation Day, under the theme of “Translation, Carrier of Intercultural Communication”.

This event, organized by the Faculty of Letters, will take place on Friday, September 28, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. at the Conference Hall - USEK Main Campus.!
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Anne Dacier’s Translation Legacy

In almost every discipline there are certain individuals who achieve fame and become memorable; they are admired by their peers in the field. These personalities usually transcend their area of specialty and are recognized worldwide. However, this does not happen often in translation. Why is it so?
It is a difficult question to answer. But, as a guild, perhaps it would be a good time to rescue from oblivion and remember those who have helped the field of translation to be what it is, especially now that the International Translation Day is just around the corner.
For example, take Anne Dacier, a French translator and intellectual who can be rightly deemed to be a pillar of the translation world. Her full name was Anne Le Fèvre Dacier, though she was simply known as Madame Dacier. She mainly translated from Greek into French, and thusly, along the way, she succeeded in bringing the writings of ancient Greece to the French people.!
Khai Tran's curator insight, January 21, 2014 10:07 PM

There are many important people in the past that has made it possible for us to receive an education today. From translating languages to translating math and science as well. 

Celebrate International Translation Day

Celebrate International Translation Day

The London Review Bookshop is pleased to announce a special set of workshops in celebration of International Translation Day.

The art of literary translation is at the heart of our celebration of International Translation Day at the London Review Bookshop, as we offer a programme of masterclasses led by a team of Britain's most distinguished literary translators.

Each half-day masterclass focuses on a single language and will be structured around close work on texts sent in advance to participants. Discussion will centre on the differences in approach evident in variant translations of the same texts.

Participants should have a good working knowledge of the language and will be invited to prepare their own translations of the texts under discussion.!
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