Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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20+ Free Online Libraries - Getting Smart

It’s a shame more people are not aware of the wide array of free online libraries. Databases, books, videos, audio recordings and e-books are available, just waiting to be viewed and used.!
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B. Bednarski, Autour de Ferron. Littérature, traduction, altérité

Information publiée le lundi 15 octobre 2012 par Perrine Coudurier (source : Betty Bednarski)

Betty Bednarski, Autour de Ferron. Littérature, traduction, altérité
Laval : Presses de l'Université Laval
EAN 9782763799087
prix : 35$
Présentation de l'éditeur :
Cette suite de textes interdépendants, consacrés à l’acte de traduire et à l’oeuvre de Jacques Ferron, se situe quelque part entre la théorie et la création. Puisant dans son expérience de traductrice, de critique et d’enseignante, Betty Bednarski se livre ici à une exploration des points de rencontre entre la traduction et les autres formes de lecture qu’elle a pratiquées. Elle poursuit en même temps une réflexion en spirale, qui se veut à la fois rigoureuse et personnelle, partant d’un problème de traduction infiniment petit et redécouvrant, à la lumière de Bakhtine, la douloureuse problématique de l’altérité chez Ferron.
Publiée d’abord en 1989, aux Éditions du GREF (Toronto), la première édition a gagné le prix Gabrielle-Roy (1990), le Prix de l’Association des professeurs de français des universités et collèges canadiens (1991), et a été finaliste pour le Prix du Gouverneur général (1991). Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement revue et mise à jour, est augmentée de quatre essais publiés sous la rubrique Lecture inachevée : quatre fragments, qui en élargissent la portée et approfondissent la réflexion.
Betty Bednarski est professeure émérite à l’Université Dalhousie (Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse), et lectrice assidue de la littérature québécoise. À la fois critique et traductrice, elle est connue surtout pour ses essais sur Ferron et pour ses traductions anglaises de textes de cet auteur : Tales from the Uncertain Country (1972), Wild Roses (1976), Selected Tales of Jacques Ferron (1984) et Tales from the Uncertain Country and Other Stories (2010). Elle a publié, avec Ray Ellenwood, Jacques Ferron hors Québec / Jacques Ferron Outside Quebec (Toronto : Éditions du GREF, 2010).!
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John Benjamins Publishing Company: Linguistics for Intercultural Education Edited by Fred Dervin and Anthony J. Liddicoat University of Helsinki / University of South Australia

The issue of intercultural learning has been tackled, amongst others, in the fields of education, language education and applied linguistics. In spite of the extensive literature on the subject, there is still much which needs to be done to address the ways in which linguistics itself can contribute to intercultural education. The 8 chapters by internationally-renowned scholars highlight different ways of using it both in the classroom and in researching intercultural education. The following approaches are covered: Critical Discourse Analysis, Énonciation, Conversation Analysis and Pragmatics. The introduction to the volume also offers a useful and comprehensive survey of the debates around the polysemic notion of the ‘intercultural’. The book will appeal to an international readership of students, scholars and professionals across a wide range of disciplines, interested in making intercultural education more effective.!
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Study on language and translation in international law and EU law - Terminology and linguistics - EU Bookshop

Study on language and translation in international law and EU law
Final report
The study on Language and Translation in International law and EU law explores the role of language and translation in the global environment with special regard to legal instruments. Divided into four thematic chapters and supported by two case studies, the study gives an overview of the language regime applied in international fora, presents the language-related aspects of the treaty-making powers of the EU, including the specific translation methods of treaties concluded by the EU and the impact of the terminology of international law on EU legislation, highlights the main regulatory instruments of international law on language rights and identifies the role and nature of linguistic rights, investigates the relationship between linguistic diversity and economic efficiency in view of the smooth functioning of the internal market and in a broader context, based on two case studies (one on labelling and the other on patents). The research was based on a thorough analysis of the relevant literature and of other publicly available documents, on replies received to previously prepared questionnaires and on personal interviews!
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Jimmy Carter and the power of language translation Part 2 | Language Translation

In her book, Found in Translation, Nataly Kelly argues that translation can influence the world, including even the presidency of the United States. She discovered many interesting links between language translation and President Jimmy Carter.

Natie Kelly from
Here’s the second part of our two-part post based on Ten Ways That Carter Influenced Translation -- and Vice Versa, a Huffington Post blog post by Nataly Kelly.

6. President Carter strengthened support for sign language interpreters when he signed the Disabilities Act of 1978, a predecessor to the Americans with Disabilities Act. This move significantly increased access to interpreters for the deaf. Interestingly, the word "interpreters" is mentioned 16 times in the law.

7. Carter used translation to court Latino voters. When asked about the importance of Spanish speakers in the United States during an interview with Televisa in 1979, the president voiced his support for the language, even delivering part of his answer in Spanish. Later that year, when he visited Mexico, he delivered an entire speech, translated ahead of time, in Spanish.

8. An interpreter once covered for Carter in Japan. In 1981 shortly after leaving the White House, Carter began a speech with a joke. The interpreter translated it into Japanese, and the audience erupted in laughter. Impressed with the interpreter's skill, Carter asked how he had managed to get such a laugh. Eventually, the interpreter admitted that he had said, "President Carter told a funny story. Everyone must laugh."

9. Carter takes no chances with interpreters during a crisis situation. Having learned plenty of lessons about working with interpreters, the former president was extremely careful during the North Korean nuclear crisis in 1994. Rather than rely on the Korean interpreters provided there, he brought along his own interpreter in order to ensure that his words were being conveyed as he intended.!
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A Companion to Translation Studies

Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.!
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Rodolfo Maslias: free e-books on translation

free e-books on translation
Mapping best multilingual business practices in the EU European Commission.
The digital age and globalisation have together changed the European business environment for good. As companies and their employees deal with differen Ignore warning t languages and cultures on a daily basis, multilingualism can no longer be considered just as an asset or a competitive advantage, but rather as a fact of life. Thus, multilingualism has become a global issue as well as a transversal issue within organisations, since digital communication is erasing national and linguistic boundaries. Faced with this multilingual reality, companies have adopted a number of innovative business practices described in the case studies carried out in European companies. These include intercomprehension (the parallel use of different languages which have similar structures and vocabularies), collaborative interpretation and use of language technology tools, such as machine translation. However, social networks and collaborative methods have led to increasingly complex and technical content. Human resources will always be needed to validate translations, both the machine generated and the human variety. As well as case studies and analysis, this study on multilingual business practices contains a set of recommendations to enhance multilingualism in business. These include the development of multilingual business strategies, the establishment of a European Observatory of Multilingual Business Practices, a quality label for multilingual European company websites translated into more than four languages, and support for the European Company Statute
Quantifying quality costs and the cost of poor quality in translation: Quality efforts and the consequences of poor quality in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation. Luxemburg, European Commission,.

The present study makes the case that quality efforts in translation are indispensable and worth paying for, as these costs actually save money in the long run. It aims to provide a methodology for calculating: 1. The quality-related costs, i.e. quality investment, which in addition to quality control measures in the translation activity includes recruitment, training, IT and translation tools, terminology, etc. 2. The costs of poor quality, i.e. the costs of corrigenda, poorly written originals, IT problems, poor quality of external translations, as well as the costs, financial or otherwise, for the Commission, the EU and society in general. The first part will put the concepts of “quality”, “quality costs” and the “cost of poor quality” in a theoretical framework. After that, the study will provide an overview of DGT’s activities that have an impact on the quality of its translations, and indicate how the costs and benefits of DGT’s quality efforts and the costs of poor quality for DGT can be quantified (chapter 4). Chapter 5 will look into the consequences of poor quality outside DGT, i.e. for the Commission and EU companies and citizens, followed by the conclusions in chapter 6
(1997). BBT Book Production Series. Volume 2: Readings in General Translation Theory. Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.


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Autour de Ferron. Littérature, traduction, altérité. |

New edition.

This series of interconnected texts, devoted to the act of translation and to the works of Jacques Ferron, falls somewhere between theory and creation. Drawing from her experience as a translator, critic and teacher, Betty Bednarski explores the meeting points between translation and the other forms of reading she has studied. She also pursues spiralling thoughts that aim to be both rigorous and personal, starting from an infinitely small translation problem and rediscovering, in light of Bakhtine, the painful issue of alterity in Ferron’s writing. Published first in 1989 at Éditions du GREF (Toronto), the first edition won the Gabrielle Roy Prize (1990), the Prix de l’Association des professeurs de français des universitiés et collèges canadiens (1991), and was a finalist for the Governor General’s Award (1991). Four essays with a widened scope and deepened thinking are published under the heading Lecture inachevée: quatre fragments in this new revised and updated edition.!
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New Trends in Translation Studies

Information about the series
In today’s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community.
This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical.
New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Dr Jorge Díaz Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed.!
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Série III - nº 3 - 2012 - Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa



Anthony Pym and Alexandra Assis Rosa!
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Blog Revista Continente » Blog Archive » Tradução como método de continuar vivo

Era a última pergunta da plateia antes do encerramento do debate e um garoto disparou sem sequer pedir o turno:

- O jovem leitor russo, hoje, lê Tolstoi com a mesma facilidade que eu consigo ler a tua tradução?

A resposta daquela figura sossegada, discreta e docemente culta foi não. Tolstoi não é lido com a mesma fluidez no original pelo jovem do seu país, assim como Shakespeare não é tão fácil para o leitor inglês do nosso tempo, como, provavelmente, Machado de Assis é mais truncado para nós que para o leitor da versão estrangeira.

Esta impressão de “facilidade” não estaria associada à qualidade do texto traduzido em relação ao original – levando em conta, aqui, apenas as realizações felizes desta passagem. Segundo Rubens Figueiredo, a questão é que a tradução dá uma nova vida à obra e, sem comprometer o original, traz marcas sutis do contemporâneo, por isso melhor dialoga com seus novos leitores.!
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Translation Centre for the bodies of the European Union. Activity report for 200o & work programme for 2001 - Archive of European Integration

Translation Centre for the bodies of the European Union. Activity report for 200o & work programme for 2001
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Translation Centre for the bodies of the European Union. Activity report for 200o & work programme for 2001. [EU Other]!
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De la linguistique à la traductologie, Interpéter/traduire

De la linguistique à la traductologie. Ce recueil d'articles réexamine la place de la linguistique en traductologie alors que les deux domaines tendent à se séparer depuis quelque temps.

Ce recueil d'articles réexamine la place de la linguistique en traductologie alors que les deux domaines tendent à se séparer depuis quelque temps. Pour aborder ce problème, il convient de faire un bilan récent pour actualiser cette problématique. Le volume réunit dix-sept contributions consacrées à la traductologie des auteurs français et étrangers (Belgique, Espagne, Corée du Sud, Grèce, Roumanie, Russie), tous spécialistes reconnus de la traduction avec des sensibilités différentes (linguistique, littérature ou terminologie et langues de spécialité) ; il a pour objectif de présenter de façon équilibrée le panorama international de la réflexion sur l'aspect linguistique de la traduction. La traduction en français des contributions en langues étrangères permettra au public français de mieux connaître les recherches sur la traduction menées en dehors de la France. La diversité des langues abordées dans ce recueil (l’allemand, l’anglais, le bulgare, le coréen, le grec, le français, l’italien, le néerlandais, le roumain, le russe) a pour ambition de présenter non seulement le volet contrastif de la traduction, mais aussi son aspect typologique.
Depuis quelque temps la traduction est devenue un sujet à la mode : elle intéresse divers milieux et ceux qu’il est convenu d’appeler le grand public cultivé. Surtout, la traduction constitue maintenant un enjeu essentiel de la mondialisation dans le domaine de la science, de la technique, de l’économie, etc. Ce livre s’adresse non seulement aux traducteurs et traductologues, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux langues étrangères et aux œuvres (littéraires, philosophiques et autres) publiées dans ces langues!
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5 Ways to Save Money on Textbooks

Heading back-to-college? Yes, you’ll need to purchase textbooks for most, if not all of your classes. And that means lots of money being spent. Rather have that cash in your wallet? Check out these five ways to cut the costs of textbooks for good:
1. Skip the School Bookstore: Textbooks at the school bookstore are typically top dollar. Instead, compare textbook prices using textbook search engines online – use’s Textbook Search Engine. Simply type in the name of the book or the book’s ISBN number and the search engine will find the cheapest textbook retailer.

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Iberian Studies on Translation and Interpreting

This volume gathers contributions representing the main trends in translation and interpreting studies by authors in the Iberian peninsula, with a focus on the Iberian languages (Basque, Catalan, Portuguese/Galician and Spanish). The essays cover different methodologies and objects of analysis, including traditional textual and historical approaches as well as contemporary methods, such as cultural, sociological, cognitive and gender-oriented perspectives. This seemingly eclectic approach pivots around seven focal points that aim to reflect the most frequent research topics in the Iberian peninsula: (i) theoretical and methodological approaches; (ii) translation and interpreting training; (iii) historical perspectives; (iv) terminology; (v) rapidly evolving fields in the translation and interpreting industry, such as localization and public service interpreting; (vi) translation of literature; and (vii) translation studies journals.
Contents: Ricardo Muñoz Martín: Standardizing translation process research methods and reports - Ovidi Carbonell i Cortés: Translation and social construction: Conceptual blending and topicality in translator positioning -Cristina Valderrey Reñones: Thematic competence in law: The non-lawyer translator - M. Luisa Romana García/Pilar Úcar Ventura: Analysis of mistakes in translation learning: The notion of 'competential loss' - María Brander de la Iglesia: Fit to be shared? Measuring the acquisition of ethical awareness in interpreting students - Luis Pegenaute Rodríguez: United notions: Spanish translation history and historiography - Raquel Merino-Álvarez: A historical approach to Spanish theatre translations from censorship archives - Pilar Godayol: Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Catalan - Montserrat Bacardí: Gràcia Bassa, expatriate journalist, poet and translator - Marisa Presas/Inna Kozlova: Instrumental competence: Lexical searches in written text production - María Teresa Veiga Díaz: Translators as agents of linguistic change: Colour terms in medieval literature translated into Galician - Míriam Buendía-Castro/Pamela Faber: EcoLexicon as a tool for scientific translation - Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo: Web localization in US non-profit websites: A descriptive study of localization strategies - Xus Ugarte-Ballester/Mireia Vargas-Urpi: Public service users, providers and interpreter-mediators in Catalonia: Profiles, confluences and divergences - Victòria Alsina: The translator's style: Evaluation in three translations of Jane Austen's Persuasion - Esther Morillas: Four-letter words and more: Regarding vulgar language and translation - Javier Franco Aixelá: A critical overview of the Translation Studies journals published in Spain - Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla: The journal Panace@: A suspension bridge between theory and practice in the field of bio-medical translation.!
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Frankfurt 2013: tradução de brasileiros dispara na Alemanha « VEJA Meus Livros –

Ser o país homenageado da Feira de Frankfurt, caso do Brasil em 2013, não significa apenas virar notícia em suplementos culturais locais e ter um estande maior naquele que é o principal evento anual do mercado internacional de livros. É também pautar o menu de restaurantes localizados no entorno do encontro, inspirar espetáculos de dança e de música e, é claro, ser lido. Não à toa, a Alemanha acaba de se tornar o país com o maior número de demandas por traduções de títulos brasileiros junto à Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, que concede bolsas de apoio à atividade. Entre julho de 2011, quando a FBN lançou seu novo e mais generoso programa de bolsas, e julho deste ano, foram solicitadas 16 bolsas. E, agora no início de agosto, outras duas.

“No momento, a informação de que dispomos é de que há um universo de cerca de 30 títulos brasileiros sendo traduzidos ou em estudo para tradução. Efetivamente, a FBN recebeu 18 pedidos de apoio”, diz Rachel Bertol, do Centro Internacional do Livro da FBN. ”Há na Alemanha uma série de projetos de antologias com brasileiros e um movimento forte dos tradutores alemães para traduzir nossos autores, tendo em vista a homenagem de 2013.”!
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Ins and Outs of Publishing Your Book via the Web

Most self-published books don’t sell a lot of copies. But it’s easier than ever to try one’s luck.

Not long ago, an aspiring book writer rejected by traditional publishing houses had only one alternative: vanity publishing. For $5,000 or $10,000, or sometimes much more, he could have his manuscript edited and published, provided that he agreed to buy many copies himself, often a few thousand or more. They typically ended up in the garage.
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Minh Uong/The New York Times
Digital technology has changed all that. A writer turned down by traditional publishers — or even avoiding them — now has a range of options. Among them are self-publishing a manuscript as an e-book; self-publishing through myriad companies that print on demand, in which a paperback or hardcover book is printed each time it is purchased; and buying an array of services, from editing and design to marketing and publicity, from what are known as assisted self-publishing companies.

“It’s the Wild West in a lot of ways — people who are innovators can do remarkable things,” said Mark Levine, whose own self-published book, “The Fine Print of Self-Publishing,” is now in its fourth edition.!
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Zola Books to Revolutionize E-book Market?

Startup bookseller Zola Books rose from the war between competing e-book systems regarding open source versus closed source books. Conflict also arises between competing mobile reading platforms from Barnes and Noble (NYSE: BKS), Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL). Zola Books plans to revolutionize the industry, according to CEO Joseph Regal.

In an interview with Benzinga, Regal said his next step was “going live." Regal went on to say, "We have 6 months worth of tasks scheduled and a mature version of Zola Books needs to be ready next month."

Regal may have a monumental task ahead of him. Obstacles will include negotiating with publishers and bookstores and converting thousands of books to Html5. Zola Books is going to be an open retailer with a universal format, as Zola's Html5 books will be compatible with the iPad, Kindle, Nook and Kobo.

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The Future Of Textbooks Is Free … And It’s Now Available | Edudemic

The world of digital textbooks is more than heating up. It’s on fire. Amazon just launched a digital rental option for textbooks. Companies like Chegg are becoming academic hubs that can improve your education experience through more than just textbook rentals.

But all of the options to use digital textbooks have cost money. And teachers as well as students simply don’t have much.

Until now.

Boundless just launched the public beta version of its brand new site. What is Boundless? It’s a way to easily turn all of the open source information that exists in the world into a simple easy-to-use digital textbook. And it’s free.

This is one of the most exciting announcements that came across my inbox over the past few weeks. Boundless is shaping up to truly disrupt the digital textbook industry and the newly launched tools are robust enough to do just that. But enough hyperbole and hot air, here’s what you should know:!
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From John Benjamins Publishing Company: Post-Socialist Translation Practices - Ideological struggle in children's literature

Nike K. Pokorn
University of Ljubljana
[Benjamins Translation Library, 103] Expected December 2012. viii, 186 pp. + index
Publishing status: In production



The book Post-Socialist Translation Practices explores how Communism and Socialism, through their hegemonic pressure, found expression in translation practice from the moment of Socialist revolution to the present day. Based on extensive archival research in the archives of the Communist Party and on the interviews with translators and editors of the period the book attempts to outline the typical and defining features of the Socialist translatorial behaviour by re-reading more than 200 translations of children's literature and juvenile fiction published in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Despite the variety of different forms of censorship that the translators in all Socialist states were subject to, the book argues that Socialist translation in different cultural and linguistic environments, especially where the Soviet model tried to impose itself, purged the translated texts of the same or similar elements, in particular of the religious presence. The book also traces how ideologically manipulated translations are still uncritically reprinted and widely circulated today.!
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Learning Technologies: Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning

Congratulations to our team member, Labhaoise Ní Dhonnchadha, and her collaborators Pilar, Laura and Dorothy, on the publication of this collection of contributions on Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning.The collection is based on a very successful conference that took place at NUI Galway in December 2012.

From the book synopsis:

This volume brings together contributions from academics, language teachers and practitioners from across Europe and beyond to discuss questions of autonomy and technology in the area of language learning and translation. The book focuses on English, French, Italian, Irish and Spanish language acquisition, but many of the essays also develop an interlinguistic perspective from a plurilingual point of view.
The book opens with key contributions from a number of leading scholars: Dr Daniel Cassany on critical literacies, Professor Henrik Gottlieb on translation into 'minor' languages, and Professor David Little on autonomy in language learning. These are followed by explorations of translation, technology, intercultural issues, autonomous learning and the European Language Portfolio. The volume represents an important contribution to the development of new plurilingual approaches to language teaching and learning.!
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Amazon to Lend Printed Textbooks, Too - The Ticker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Amazon, which started a textbook-rental service on Kindle last year, will now offer students the ability to borrow printed textbooks as well, CNET reports. A loan lasts for 130 days, and shipping a book both from and to Amazon is free as long as a student meets a minimum order or has an Amazon Prime account. Several other companies, including Barnes & Noble,, and Chegg, already run similar rental programs.!
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African Books Collective: We Have Crossed Many Rivers

New Poetry from Africa - Edited by Dike Okoro...

We Have Crossed Many Rivers: New Poetry from Africa is a fascinating anthology of some of the finest contemporary poetic voices from twenty-nine African countries. Inspired by the examples of first generation African poets like Wole Soyinka, Christopher Okigbo, Dennis Brutus, and Mazisi Kunene, the poets in this anthology display rootedness in, and preoccupation with, the discourses of identity and political freedom. At the same time, they engage the more contemporary themes of human and economic rights, governance, the natural environment, love, family and generational relations representative of the African continent. Poems from Tanure Ojaide, Yewande Omotoso, Reesom Haile and Frank Chipasula are included and in all there are contributions from 68 poets.!
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Course on book publishing

The Indira Gandhi National Open University’s (IGNOU) School of Humanities (SOH) offers admission in post graduate diploma in book publishing (PGDBP). The programme is meant to provide an opportunity for self employment to aspiring/ practicing publishing professionals for skill upgradation/ skill acquisition in various aspects of publishing.

The programme aims at training aspiring publishing professionals in marketable skills in the various areas of publishing, including specialised editing, copy-editing and proof reading online, marketing, distribution, sales, et al.!
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New Ebooks Search Engine Launched | Virtual-Strategy Magazine

RteamKz, a company specializing in search engines offers the development and improvement of the PDF Search Books website to assist customers with access to the inventory of more than 35 million digital products. Fast and efficient searches are available 24/7.

(PRWEB) August 07, 2012

RteamKz and its website, PDF Search books, with owner, Timur Karipov, are pleased to announce a more advanced website search tool to make location much easier. The site is a popular eBook search engine that was launched a short five months ago.

According to Mr. Karipov, the base has grown rapidly. "We now list more than 35 million books and the number is expanding rapidly. We offer eBooks in various languages to be of benefit to customers around the globe. We have been working on this project for more than four years and are pleased to see that our global customers appreciate the convenience of finding and ordering digital volumes online"

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