Accidents and Injuries
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Accidents and Injuries
Dr. Jimenez discusses injuries caused by trauma from an accident, including the symptoms affecting the body and treatment options. Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can not only lead to injuries but too can be full of confusion and frustrations. It is very important to have a qualified provider specializing in these matters completely assess the circumstances surrounding any injury.  If you need legal services or representation below some posts that may serve you well.  If you have questions please feel  free to contact: Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T  Injury Medical and Chiropractic Clinic: Book Appointment Today:
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Chronic Pain Related to Stress

Chronic Pain Related to Stress | Accidents and Injuries |

Chronic stress, is a response to an emotional pressure that occurs for an extended period of time which an individual is unable to control. On a daily basis, people are constantly exposed to situations that could trigger a stress response on their body, whether it’s from a long, hard day at work behind a desk or an upcoming test. For some individuals, the stress on their body becomes overly constant and eventually, they begin to develop chronic pain symptoms.

First of all, the position of the body while sitting at a computer is usually that of an incorrect posture. By spending long periods of time in front of a computer screen, a person will gradually start to bend forward from the natural sitting position, creating strain throughout the spine and its surrounding muscles. Also, the incorrect seated position causes the hip flexors to chronically contract, causing low back pain. Any additional stress after this point can often add tension to the shoulders, further straining the muscles around the upper back and neck. Through time, the body recreates this cycle over and over again, leading to chronic pain.

Chiropractic care can also help relieve chronic pain caused by chronic stress. Chiropractic adjustments can help break the pain cycle by realigning the spine to help improve posture, decrease the tension on the muscles, and help prevent chronic stress from accumulating in the body.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

From working long periods of time at the office to preparing for an upcoming test, many people often experience stress but when this emotional response to pressure becomes too much for the body, it frequently creates symptoms that can lead to chronic pain. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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Whiplash & the Factors for Recovery

Whiplash & the Factors for Recovery | Accidents and Injuries |

After suffering from whiplash or another injury as a result of an automobile accident, many people frequently ask themselves, “How long will I need to recover from my injury?”

 While the time of recovery for each individual can greatly depend on the severity of the injury, the speed of the healing process can also be largely influenced by individual characteristics such as age, mental health, and even occupation. Many people who have experienced grade I or grade II whiplash injuries may begin to show significant relief of their symptoms within a year of their injury. Nonetheless, many people whom have also experienced whiplash can develop chronic complications.

The term chronic is medically used to refer to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms that are experienced for longer than three months. If not treated, the lingering effects of chronic whiplash can last up to a decade after the injury. Early studies have shown that PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, resulting after a traumatic auto accident, can often increase the probability of individuals developing chronic symptoms.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

After being involved in an automobile accident, many people commonly experience whiplash or other type of injuries. While the severity of the injury can affect the recovery time for each individual, seeking medical treatment from a chiropractic doctor or other specialist as soon as possible can help avoid the development of chronic symptoms in the future.


For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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5 Common Back Problems After a Fender Bender | Inspired Spine

5 Common Back Problems After a Fender Bender | Inspired Spine | Accidents and Injuries |
A car accident is one of the more common ways a person suffers a back injury. Here are 5 back problems after a fender bender.
Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

The force of an accident can lead to very severe injuries.  At the time of the accident many whom are able to walk away, choose to  go at it alone.  Injured victims go as far as refusing medical treatment at the time of the accident.  Many of these individuals sadly make it home to find out the the sequela of symptoms just start their presentations.  There is much written of the delay in onset of these symptoms.  The main reason most individuals delay care is that during the periods following a motor vehicle accident is due to the naturally released large amounts of adrenaline.  Adrenaline, released by the adrenal cortex is released due to the large amount of  stress cause by the incident.  This natural release is so great at times that it limits the bodies ability to feel pain.  The body is just simply fooled into not feeling pain at that moment.  It is for this reason that a competent clinical evaluations be performed as soon as possible even though the apparent presenting physical findings appear transient or minimal.  

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Guidelines on Post-Accident Pain Management

Guidelines on Post-Accident Pain Management | Accidents and Injuries |
Pain management following a car crash.

An automobile accident can occur suddenly and without warning. Often times, the symptoms of pain and discomfort may not occur instantly but could take up to 24 hours or more to develop. As the victim, it's important to learn how to deal with post-accident injuries and the first action to take is seek medical attention. 

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting from an automobile accident. Whiplash is a result of damage to the soft tissue in the neck, causing symptoms of pain and discomfort in the region. Headaches may also be a common symptoms after a car crash as well as numbness in the area surrounding the neck. 

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Injuries during an automobile accident are almost inevitable and although an individual may not instantly develop symptoms of pain and discomfort as a result, these can be triggered in a matter of a few hours or days. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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Whiplash: Symptoms & Treatment

Whiplash: Symptoms & Treatment | Accidents and Injuries |

Whiplash is a neck injury that is common in car crashes, but it can also be caused during other types of accidents. In the United States, over 2 million people suffer from whiplash each year.

Whiplash is a term used to describe an injury to the neck's soft tissues resulting from a sudden jolt, often times including injury to the cervical muscles, intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, and nerve roots. The forced movement of the head during an automobile accident or other type of accident pulls the muscles and ligaments of the neck over the natural range of motion, resulting in fiber tears. 

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

A whiplash injury is the most common type of injury diagnosed after an individual has experienced an automobile accident. During whiplash, the muscles and ligaments are pulled beyong their natural range of motion, which often times leads to fiber tears and results in the pain, discomfort, and other symptoms associated with whiplash. Contact us/Read more:

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Martinez Law Firm - El Paso, Texas

Martinez Law Firm - El Paso, Texas | Accidents and Injuries |

If you've been injured in an automobile accident, an already traumatic situation can quickly spiral into a nightmare.  When you're worried about you and your families injuries, finances and property damage, you don't have time to worry about whether or not you're being treated fairly or if you are getting the best possible legal solution. Call us now at

915-490-0063 and let the Martinez Law Firm ensure you and your family get the best possible legal solution and compensation for your injuries, time and missed work.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

When involved in an auto accident, the next actions to take might seem uncertain for anyone. Getting the proper attention for the damage to yourself and your property is essential. Contact us/Read more:

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Exercising After a Whiplash Injury

Exercising After a Whiplash Injury | Accidents and Injuries |

After being involved in an automobile accident, spinal injuries, such as whiplash, can commonly occur. While it’s important to seek immediate treatment for any possible injuries or complications, exercising can also be a treatment option for recovering from minor auto injuries.

As a matter of fact, individuals who have experienced injuries as a result of an automobile accident can greatly benefit from exercise treatments recommended by a medical professional, such as a chiropractor or physiotherapist. Chiropractic doctors can also use spinal adjustments and manual manipulation to help enhance the effectiveness of exercise therapies and speed up the rehabilitation process of whiplash or other spine-related injuries. Patients with chronic pain due to a previous whiplash injury can also benefit from chiropractic care and exercise therapies. Depending on the individual's severity of the injury, following the proper exercises recommended by a chiropractor or other medical specialist is important in order to avoid further injuries. Seeking chiropractic treatment after suffering an auto collision is essential to restore an individual’s overall health and wellness as well as to reduce symptoms of pain and discomfort in the future. 

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Exercise can be a beneficial treatment option for rehabilitating spinal injuries or conditions, including whiplash injuries as a result of an automobile accident. A chiropractor or other medical specialist should diagnose and assess the level of a person's injury in order to recommend the appropriate set of exercises to improve and treat an injury or condition and its symptoms. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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Auto Injury Prevention & Seatbelts

Auto Injury Prevention & Seatbelts | Accidents and Injuries |

Spinal injuries are commonly diagnosed in people who’ve experienced an automobile accident. In fact, auto accidents are the leading cause for spinal injuries on the thoracic, or mid back, and the lumbar, or lower back, regions of the spine.

In a research conducted between 1996 and 2011, the records of 4,572 individuals entered into the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network database were studied by doctors. The people experienced from moderate to severe auto accident injuries but they all shared one common factor.

The research compared the injury outcomes of people who were using a two-point belted seatbelt versus a three-point belted seatbelt at the time of the automobile accident. With people using the three-point seat belts, these protected them against neurological injury, fatality, and further complications but those wearing this type of seat belt were more than three times more likely to sustain spine fractures than those wearing the two-point seat belts. With people using the two-point seat belts, flexion-distraction injuries were most common. However, people who weren’t wearing a seat belt at the time of the auto accident had a higher risk of suffering spinal fractures in the thoracic and lumbar regions as well as dislocations.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Automobile accidents often result in injury that can cause symptoms of neck and back pain but, wearing a seatbelt at the time of accident can greatly decrease the chance of serious spinal injuries. A study shows that using three-point seat belts and two-point seat belts can make a difference during an auto accident. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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7 Delayed Injury Symptoms After a Car Crash

7 Delayed Injury Symptoms After a Car Crash | Accidents and Injuries |

An automobile accident can be a difficult situation for anyone to experience, regardless if the damage was not severe. Each individual undergoes different emotional and physical reactions after suffering from a car crash. From mental trauma and emotional disorientation, sometimes automobile accidents can cause trauma from physical injuries, although the symptoms might not always occur instantly.

The first couple of weeks after a whiplash type injury, an individual should seek medical attention for further diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible for other possible injuries. Headaches, as well as neck, shoulder, and back pain and stiffness can present themselves several days after an accident. 

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Automobile accidents can occur abruptly and without notice, leaving an individual both emotionally and physically injured. Whiplash is a common injury caused during a car crash and occasionally, the symptoms associated with injury can be delayed. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

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Whiplash and Chiropractic

Whiplash and Chiropractic | Accidents and Injuries |

Whiplash is a common term for injury to the neck and head that is caused by a rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head relative to the body. It is commonly called ‘whiplash’ because the most common mechanism of injury during an auto accident is where the sudden stop sends the head into extension and then hyper-flexion, or the exact opposite, flexion and then hyper-extension.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

It is common to experience a whiplash type injury after an automobile accident. The symptoms for whiplash are often delayed for 24 hours or more but, once present, the pain and discomfort, followed by stiffness and headaches develop, usually within the first few days after injury. Contact us/Read more:

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Causes of Spine & Back Pain after a Car Accident

Causes of Spine & Back Pain after a Car Accident | Accidents and Injuries |

Car crashes happen all the time, and with car accidents come injuries. One of the most injured areas of the body during a car crash is the spine.

There are various types of injuries an individual can sustain during an automobile accident.  From herniated discs and vertebrae fractures to whiplash and soft tissue injuries, it is always important to seek medical assistance after a car crash to diagnose any possible injuries and begin treatment as soon as possible. 

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

After suffering an automobile accident, it's not uncommon to experience injuries or develop conditions which can leave an individual feeling pain and discomfort. These symptoms may also show up days or even weeks later. Together with whiplash, spine and back pain are considered the most common symptoms resulting from a car crash. Contact us/Read more:

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